Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Conciencia / Conscience: El enigma desvelado / The mystery revealed pdf download (Guillermo Caba Serra)

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Was the ancient knowledge of the holographic nature of mind and the reality model what discovered quantum physics? Did the Egyptians know the term autopoiesis was utilized to discover the process of cognition in living creatures and had revolutionized the world of biology? Did they hide the hieroglyphic texts that contain symbols that had gone unnoticed by the Egyptians and that explain the rationale of the Great Pyramid? What was Plato referring to in one of his speeches when he indicated that, periodically, a catastrophe loomed over the Earth that would return human beings back into a state of childhood? Overall, consciousness fills a major gap in the field of thought and unravels the largest of puzzles: the genealogy of consciousness.Tenian los antiguos conocimiento de la naturalez aholografica de la mente y del modelo de realidad que ha descubierto la fisicacuantica? Conocian los egipcios la autopoiesis, termino utilizado para describir el proceso de cognicion en los seres vivos y que ha revolucionado el mundo de la biologia? Esconden los textos jeroglificos contenidos simbolicos que han pasado desapercibidos por los egiptologos y que explican la razon.
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